English Club TV – ECTV Extreme / American Slang for extreme sports

English Club TV – ECTV Extreme / American Slang for extreme sports In life many people in Britain talk to each other is not in the English literature. Slang, idioms, idioms … Is possible to learn them? Our sports program ECTV Extreme will reveal new topics of conversation. It is sensible and affordable will allow …

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English Club TV – Dash of the Brush / Facts about the artists and masterpieces of painting

English Club TV – Dash of the Brush / Facts about the artists and masterpieces of painting The program Dash of the Brush we study English, there are excursions to the creation of the greatest paintings painting. Each masterpiece – a whole story. The life story of its creator, the time and place where he …

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Focus 3 Intermediate B1 Plus: Interactive Speaking VIDEO

Focus 3 Intermediate B1 Plus: Interactive Speaking VIDEO FOCUS is a five-level upper secondary course designed to align with the learning objectivesof the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework. Interactive speaking videos accompany most of the speaking lessons, making them more attractive and dynamic. The goal of these videos is to help students …

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Quiz Whiz Junior – Episode 9: VIDEO

Quiz Whiz Junior – Episode 9: VIDEO A project that challenges young minds before they set out into the world? Yes. A game show that tests your common sense and English skills? Yes! It’s “Quiz Whiz Junior” time! When general knowledge meets English! Enough with boring English! A quiz show offering both variety and fun! …

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Outcomes ExamView

Outcomes is a new general English course in which: – Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings – CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practice the language they need to have conversations in English – Clear outcomes in every lesson of …

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