Phonics Kids 1B

Phonics Kids 1B

Phonics Kids 1B PDF,MP4 download Developed for children aged six months to six years, this program introduces the alphabet and phonics through a blend of computer animation and live-action footage. The video features both uppercase and lowercase letters, accompanied by animations, images, or real-life clips of objects that start with each letter. A narrator reads …

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Phonics Kids 1A

Phonics Kids 1A

Phonics Kids 1A PDF,MP4 download Phonics 1a is a beginning Phonics and Reading program. Developed for kids ages six months to six years old, introduces children to the alphabet and phonics using computer animation and live action footage. The video displays both upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet, along with computer animation, pictures, or …

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Phonics Kids 4A & 4B:The Short Vowel Word Families and Consonant Blends

Phonics Kids 4A & 4B:The Short Vowel Word Families and Consonant Blends

Phonics Kids 4A & 4B:The Short Vowel Word Families and Consonant Blends PDF,MP4 download one part of the sixleveled phonics course Phonics Kids. Developed for kids ages six months to six years old, introduces children to the alphabet and phonics using computer animation and live action footage. The video displays both upper and lowercase letters …

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Idioms and Phrasal Verbs Intermediate PDF

Idioms and Phrasal Verbs Intermediate

Idioms and Phrasal Verbs Intermediate PDF Idioms and Phrasal Verbs is part of the Oxford Word Skills vocabulary series. This series comprises two books designed for students to learn, practice, and review everyday English idioms and phrasal verbs. Intermediate: Intermediate and upper-intermediate (CEF levels B1 and B2) Advanced: Advanced (CEF levels C1 and C2) Each …

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English Together 2: Cliff Castle

English Together 2 Cliff Castle

English Together 2: Cliff Castle PDF,MP3 download English Together is a three-stage course designed for children, with an optional Starter Book for younger beginners or those not yet familiar with the Roman alphabet. The course is founded on the belief that children learn most effectively when they work, play, and explore the new language together. …

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