Living Grammar Elementary

Living Grammar Elementary

Living Grammar Elementary PDF,ISO

Living Grammar Elementary



Oxford Living Grammar takes a practical approach to grammar. The four-page units provide clear explanations and information on when the grammar is used, followed by extensive practice. Each level includes an interactive CD-ROM.
Key features
Explanations include a ‘Grammar in action’ section which explains when the grammar is typically used.
Exercises are contextualized so that students practise using the grammar in everyday situations.
‘Word focus’ boxes highlight interesting idiomatic expressions or words students might not be familiar with.
An ‘Over to you’ task bank at the back of the book offers freer practice, and sample model answers.
Modern, upbeat illustrations and exercises that apply grammar to real situations give the series a strong appeal to teenage and adult learners.
Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels help prepare students for the KET exam; Intermediate prepares students for the PET exam.



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Living Grammar Upper-intermediate

Living Grammar Upper-intermediate

Living Grammar Upper-intermediate PDF,ISO

Living Grammar Upper-intermediate



Oxford Living Grammar takes a practical approach to grammar. The four-page units provide clear explanations and information on when the grammar is used, followed by extensive practice. Each level includes an interactive CD-ROM.
Key features
Explanations include a ‘Grammar in action’ section which explains when the grammar is typically used.
Exercises are contextualized so that students practise using the grammar in everyday situations.
‘Word focus’ boxes highlight interesting idiomatic expressions or words students might not be familiar with.
An ‘Over to you’ task bank at the back of the book offers freer practice, and sample model answers.
Modern, upbeat illustrations and exercises that apply grammar to real situations give the series a strong appeal to teenage and adult learners.
Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels help prepare students for the KET exam; Intermediate prepares students for the PET exam.
Upper-Intermediate level helps prepare students for the FCE exam



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Descriptive English Grammar (2nd ed.)

Descriptive English Grammar (2nd ed.)

Descriptive English Grammar (2nd edition) PDF

Descriptive English Grammar (2nd ed.)



The emphasis in this revised edition is definitely on the living language. Historical forms are cited only when they throw light on present-day usage. All sentences used for the illustrations and for the exercises in sentence analysis are taken from standard English, many of them from the classics. The material in the exercises in correcting substandard English comes chiefly from the oral and written speech of students registered in college English classes. By studying and comparing the two levels of English, the average student will be able to discover for himself that the best English is grammatical English.
The chief aim throughout the book has been to furnish the teacher and the student with material for a complete course in English grammar: the text covers the basic principles of Modern English usage. In both Part One and Part Two an effort has been made to place the responsibility of learning grammar upon the student. The approach is inductive: the student is encouraged to discover for himself the laws governing the behavior of his own language. The rules and definitions are presented somewhat formally in order to guide the student as he progresses from the simpler to the more difficult phases of syntax. They are not intended to be used for exercise in memory work. Once the student has learned the forms and the uses of the parts of speech as they appear in the various types of sentences in Modern English, he will be able to make his own rules and definitions.
The use that teachers and students make of this text will vary according to the previous training and needs of a given group. It may be used for reference or for drill. It is not presumed that the student using this book has had previous knowledge of the subject. Part One will provide what he needs to know of the particular parts of speech. Part Two will explain the intricacies of syntax and afford quantities of material for practice in sentence analysis and in the correction of the more common violations of good usage.



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Basic Grammar in Use: CD-ROM (3rd Ed.)

Basic Grammar in Use: CD-ROM (3rd Ed.)

Basic Grammar in Use: CD-ROM (3rd Ed.) ISO

Basic Grammar in Use: CD-ROM (3rd Ed.)


Basic Grammar in Use, Third edition, is the lower-level text in the Grammar in Use series. It focuses on the fundamental grammar structures normally taught in basic or introductory courses. Each of the 116 units in the Student’s Book is presented in a two-page spread, with simple explanations on the left-hand page and practice exercises to check understanding on the right. This edition, with answers, can be used in the classroom or for self-study.

System requirements:

• Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
• 800GHz or faster Intel/AMD (XP) or 1GHz Intel/AMD CPU (Vista and Windows 7)
• 256MB RAM or better (XP) or 1GB RAM or better (Vista and Windows 7)
• Resolution at least 1024 x 768 pixels
• Microphone
• Internet connection (for accessing Cambridge Dictionaries Online)
• Mac OS X 10.4+
• 500MHz G3/1GHz Core Solo
• 256MB RAM or better
• Resolution at least 1024 x 768 pixels
• Microphone
• Internet connection (for accessing Cambridge Dictionaries Online)
description: CD-ROM to the book “Basic Grammar in Use, Third Edition” (North American English).
CD content:
– Exercises – Practice the grammar of any unit in Basic Grammar in Use;
– Tests – Make your own tests! Choose the topics and the number of items you want to include;
– Games – Practice grammar and have fun at the same time!;
– Progress – See the exercises you have completed, your scores, and the sections you have finished;
– Grammar Reference – Review some of the key grammar points covered in Basic Grammar in Use;
– Dictionary – Link to the Cambridge Dictionary of American English online, to look up the meanings of words you don’t know.



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Basic Grammar in Use: Workbook (3rd Ed.)

Basic Grammar in Use: Workbook (3rd Ed.)

Basic Grammar in Use: Workbook (3rd Ed.) PDF

Basic Grammar in Use: Workbook (3rd Ed.)



The Grammar in Use series for students of North American English is well known for its simple, clear explanations.
The Basic Grammar in Use Workbook provides students with opportunities to practice difficult grammar points and consolidate their understanding of closely related units in Basic Grammar in Use. This edition offers a wide range of challenging activities, including many new and expanded exercises that present grammar structures in context.
This book includes a complete answer key.



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