Close-Up B2 Video (2nd edition)

Close-Up B2 Student’s Book with Audio (2nd edition)

Close-Up B2 Video (2nd edition) The textbook is the precept issue of the course, incorporates the important theoretical and smart provides essential for a worthwhile educational course of, is break up into 12 sections, which have 5 spread-less courses on main language experience, vocabulary and grammar. Each half ends with the processing of a video …

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Close-Up B2 Workbook with Audio (2nd edition)

Close-Up B2 Workbook with Audio (2nd edition)

Close-Up B2 Workbook with Audio (2nd edition) PDF,MP3 Close-up B2 Workbook The Workbook complements the Close-up B2 Student’s Book. It is also divided into twelve units and six reviews, each covering reading, vocabulary, grammar, listening, “Use your English,” and writing. The reviews include multiple-choice grammar and vocabulary exercises. The audio recordings for listening tasks can …

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Close-Up B2 online materials (2nd edition)

Close-Up B2 Student’s Book with Audio (2nd edition)

Close-Up B2 online materials (2nd edition) Close-up B2 Online Teacher Zone The online teacher zone provides a comprehensive testing package in a printable PDF format. It includes multiple-choice quizzes for each unit, focusing on the key vocabulary and grammar presented. Progress tests, which are available after every two units, consist of a reading comprehension task, …

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Close-Up B2 Teacher’s Book (2nd edition)

Close-Up B2 Teacher’s Book (2nd edition)

Close-Up B2 Teacher's Book (2nd edition)

Close-up B2 Teacher’s Book
Close-up B2 Teacher’s Book offers clear lesson plans, detailed instructions, and tips for teachers on effectively utilizing the material in the Student’s Book. It includes the answers to all tasks in both the Student’s Book and Workbook, as well as transcripts of the Student’s Book’s audio content, with justifications for the answers to the listening tasks underlined.

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Phonics Kids 5A

Phonics Kids 5A

Phonics Kids 5A PDF,MP4 download Phonics 5A is a one part of the sixleveled phonics course Phonics Kids. Developed for kids ages six months to six years old,introduces children to the alphabet and phonics using computer animation and live action footage. The video displays both upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet, along with computer …

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