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Hajimete no Nihongo Nouryoku shiken N3 Tango 2000

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はじめての日本語能力試験 N3 単語2000 Hajimete no Nihongo Nouryoku shiken N3 Tango 2000 PDF,MP3

You can learn well not only the meaning, but also the correct use of words.

Each new vocabulary topic comes with easy-to-understand sample sentences, so you can not only memorize the words, but also learn how to use them.
Since the textbook is provided with audio material, where all vocabulary and examples are voiced, you will also improve your listening comprehension.
Alternatively, you can test your skills before the exam with a practice test (available separately).
Words and example sentences have been translated into English and Vietnamese.










Size: 217  MB





はじめての日本語能力試験 N3 単語2000 Hajimete no Nihongo Nouryoku shiken N3 Tango 2000 PDF,MP3









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