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Tochka ru Russian Course A1 Workbook

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Tochka ru Russian Course A1 Workbook PDF download

Tochka ru Russian Course A1 Workbook PDF

TOCHKA RUSSIAN COURSE A1 The book of lessons and the set of work books The set of books must be used by those who study on their own and with a Russian language teacher.

The text of the book is in Russian, the exercises are given in Russian and English and there are all the answers/keys to the exercises at the end of the book.

This course is aimed at young people and adults and covers 120-150 academic hours.

The perfect balance of grammar, vocabulary and conversation skills of the modern Russian language is the key characteristic of this course.

The combination of traditional and modern teaching methods helps students quickly achieve their goals and maintain a conversation about issues such as family and home, work and free time, food and drink, plans and travel, holidays and fashion, and others.

The book of the Russian course teacher “Tochka Ru” A1 (in the PDF format) contains general recommendations to work with the textbook, descriptions of lessons, many additional tasks of grammar and vocabulary, games, texts to read with tasks, exercises Photos and achievements. The teacher’s book and audio resources on book websites.















Size: 42 MB
Series:Tochka ru
Language : English










Tochka ru Russian Course A1 Workbook PDF















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