How to Tell Fate from Destiny: And Other Skillful Word Distinctions

If you have trouble distinguishing the verbs imitate and emulate, the relative pronouns that and which, or the adjectives pliant, pliable, and supple, never fear-How to Tell Fate from Destiny is here to help! With more than 500 headwords, the book is replete with advice on how to differentiate commonly confused words and steer clear …

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Traveller – Intermediate B1: Student’s Book

                      Traveller is an exciting seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised into 8 topic-based modules. – Motivating and …

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English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate

Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate is a vocabulary book for intermediate learners of English, primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, but which can also be used for classroom work. In its style and format it is similar to its upper intermediate and advanced equivalent, English Vocabulary in Use. – 100 easy-to-use …

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Grammar Rules!: For Students, Parents, & Teachers

This comprehensive book provides 40 units filled with lessons and practices. Each of the 40 units is divided into 4 sections: Parts of Speech – Students learn to recognize parts of speech through writing and analysis. Mechanics – Rules and common errors associated with each part of speech are explained. This section reinforces student’s understanding …

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Webster’s New World telecom dictionary

Webster’s New World Telecom Dictionary by Ray Horak includes more than 4,600 terms essential to a clear and complete understanding of voice, data, video and multimedia communications system and network technologies, applications and regulations. Although the book is an excellent technical dictionary, Horak‘s plain-English, commonsense style yields definitions that are as thoroughly understandable to the …

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