Last modified on August 1st, 2019 at 20:56

Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language

This grammar has been prepared with three objectives in view. First , while covering in an up-to-date manner the ground common to all English grammars , it is designed particularly to meet the needs of the foreign student of English. So, for example, the tenses of the verb, the use of prepositions and \’phrasal verbs\’, the articles, and word order are dealt with in considerable detail; many examples are given of t he                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         commonest sentence patterns in English : and there are tables showing the uses of the determinative words all frequent sources of difficulty to t he foreign student. Secondly, it is intended to be really comprehensive, in that it will , as far as possible, provide an answer to any grammatical problem the student of English is likely to encounter.

Brief accounts of the history of t he language and of the phonetics and intonation of English have been included also, since these matters-although not strictly \’grammar\’-are bound to be of interest and importance to most students of the language. Lastly, it is meant to be a practical grammar, one that is suitable both for work in class and for students working on their own; so it is provided with a very full index and with plenty of exercises. Although this grammar has not been directed at any particular examination, the needs of examination candidates have been borne in mind , and it should give ample material to prepare students for the English language papers set in any of the usual examinations.


Format: PDF
Size: 75 MB
Date: 1989
Series: General Grammar
Edition: 1st edition


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