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Empower Second edition A1/Starter

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Empower Second edition A1/Starter PDF,MP3,MP4 download

The Starter Student’s Book with Digital Pack provides learners with a clear sense of purpose and defined learning objectives.

It delivers essential grammar and vocabulary input along with a blend of skills. Speaking lessons integrate functional language, pronunciation, and conversation skills, supported by videos to help learners communicate effectively in real-world contexts.

Each unit concludes with a review of the unit’s core language.

This edition of the Student’s Book includes access to a Digital Pack, featuring Online Assessment, a mobile-friendly Digital Workbook, and an eBook with audio and video, all accessible on the Cambridge One platform.

Empower Second Edition is a six-level general English course designed for adults and young adults.

It spans six levels, from beginner to advanced (CEFR A1 to C1).

The Starter Student’s Book with eBook provides learners with clear learning objectives, offering core grammar and vocabulary alongside a variety of skills.

The speaking lessons combine functional language, pronunciation, and conversation skills, supported by videos to help learners communicate effectively in real-life situations.

Each unit concludes with a review of the core language covered.

This edition of the Student’s Book includes access to an eBook (featuring audio and video) on the Cambridge One platform.









Size: 1.50 GB
Edition: 2nd Edition






Empower Second edition A1/Starter PDF,MP3,MP4




Students Book + Audio CD






Documentary Video + Vox-Pop Video






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