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English for Work: Business Presentations

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English for Work: Business Presentations PDF,MP3 download

Business Presentations

“Business Presentations” is ideal for anyone who needs to deliver presentations in the business world, including students in adult education, schools, colleges, and universities. This book covers a variety of language commonly used in English for business presentations. It provides language and examples for all stages of a business presentation, from the introduction and main body to discussing statistics and handling unexpected issues. The book is designed to assist you in preparing and practicing your business presentations effectively.

To broaden your knowledge of the language you may need in your professional life, consider exploring other titles in the “English for Work” series:

How to Use This Book

You can either work through “Business Presentations” from beginning to end or select specific chapters based on your business needs. Begin a chapter by listening to and repeating the “Useful Phrases.” Then, listen to the dialogues and review the accompanying notes. Certain phrases are highlighted to indicate specific language features, but it’s also valuable to take note of other key phrases found in the dialogues. Use a dictionary to verify your understanding of the language.

On the notes pages, you will find boxes containing information on some differences between British and American usage in everyday language. After reviewing the dialogues and notes, complete the exercises. You can refer back to the dialogues and notes as needed. Answers and suggested responses for more open-ended exercises are provided at the end of the book.

Lastly, consult the glossary at the back of the book and test your understanding of key expressions. Write translations of these expressions using a dictionary if necessary. Visit the “English for Work” page on the Longman website, where you will find translations of key phrases in multiple languages.

This book can be used for self-study or with a teacher. Best of luck, and enjoy developing your business presentation skills!

Recommended Materials to Accompany the English for Work Series:









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Series:English for Work






English for Work: Business Presentations PDF,MP3








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