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English Together 1: Holiday House

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English Together 1: Holiday House Pupils’ Book , Action Book , Teacher’s Guide , Classwork Cassette PDF,MP3 download

English Together 1: Holiday House

English Together is a three-stage course designed for children, with an optional Starter Book for younger beginners or those unfamiliar with the Roman alphabet. The course is built on the idea that children learn most effectively by collaborating, playing, and exploring the new language together. It offers numerous opportunities for children to work together to solve problems, express their opinions, and enjoy themselves through games, puzzles, and songs.


English Together Series

English Together 1 includes the Pupils’ Book, Action Book, Teacher’s Guide, Classwork Cassette (with dialogues, listening tasks, and exercise models), and the Song and Story Cassette (featuring songs, rhymes, and the story from the Song and Story pages).


Pupils’ Book

Pupils’ Book 1: Holiday House is set in a children’s holiday adventure center, a setting that captivates the imagination of children everywhere. By the end of Holiday House, children will be able to talk and write in simple terms about themselves and their lives.

Action Book Action Book I provides:

Teacher’s Guide The Teacher’s Guide includes:








Size: 159 MB
Pages:81, 64,131
Series:English Together






English Together 1: Holiday House PDF,MP3




Pupils’ Book



Action Book





Teacher’s Guide





Classwork Cassette



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