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PTE Academic Practice Tests Plus with Key

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PTE Academic Practice Tests Plus with Key PDF,MP3 download

PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English Academic) is an international computer-based English language exam that accurately assesses English language proficiency.

It is suitable for applications to educational institutions, as well as professional and governmental organizations.

The test employs task-based questions to simulate the kinds of tasks and scenarios students may encounter during their academic studies.

In an academic setting, most real-world tasks require the integration of multiple language skills, such as listening to a lecture while taking notes.

PTE Academic mirrors this through its 20 task types, each designed to assess a combination of skills.

For example, one task type might require you to summarize a passage in writing, while another might test your understanding of a lecture by asking you to re-tell it.

The test is structured into three main sections and lasts approximately three hours, with an optional ten-minute break:

PTE Academic Practice Tests Plus consists of three main sections: Firstly, there is an introduction to the test and the Practice Tests Plus book. This provides information about the test itself, tips on taking the test, and guidance on how to use the book to prepare.

The core of the book is the practice tests, which include four full tests authored by people who create the actual exam.

Test 1 provides detailed information and strategies for each of the 20 task types, with tips for each question to help you get accustomed to the tasks and how to approach them.

Some tips are specific to the content of the questions, while others offer general advice.

In Test 2, you’ll find one tip per task type to remind you how to tackle each task. In Tests 3 and 4, you’re left to complete the tasks independently.

Lastly, the key version of the book includes a detailed answer key, audio scripts, and sample answers from PTE Academic students, along with explanations to help you understand how your answers might be scored.

Paper-based Practice – Computer-based Test You will take the actual test on a computer at a Pearson test center, where each task will appear on the screen after you complete the previous one.

You will listen to audio through your headphones and speak into the microphone on your headset.

While you can take notes on an Erasable Noteboard Booklet, you will input your answers on the computer.

The practice tests in this book are paper-based and can be used in class or for self-study.

The instructions on the page mirror those in the actual test, ensuring no surprises on test day! However, since the instructions are for a digital format, they don’t explicitly tell you what to do on paper.

Below, you will find some advice on this.

In Test 1, you can see what the task will look like on screen, with a screenshot for each task type in the “About the task type” section before the tasks themselves. Additionally, a grey ‘In the test’ box with a mouse cursor at the beginning of each task type in all four tests provides a brief description of the on-screen task.

In the test, there are 6-7 tasks. For each task, you read the text aloud into the microphone. The wording in the instructions below is identical to what you will see in the actual test. Refer to page 12 for further guidance.

Timings In the test, some tasks are automatically timed by the length of the audio, while others have a timer. When using the Practice Tests Plus book, you can choose to time yourself or take as long as needed. You can time yourself using a watch, mobile phone, or computer.

If a task has a time limit, this information will be indicated by the timer icon next to the instructions.

Listening Tasks For some tasks, you need to listen to an audio extract and then complete the task. In the test, the audio will start automatically after you’ve had time to read the instructions. With the practice tests, you will need to play the relevant audio track yourself. The track number is provided next to each task.

Each task is on a separate track, allowing you to work on tasks individually or keep the audio running to complete a full set of tasks for a task type.

Providing Answers You will need to provide one of three types of answers: spoken, written, or computer-based interaction (selecting answers from those presented on the screen).

Spoken Answers In the test, you will speak into the microphone on your headset. The screen will display a message indicating when to start speaking and how long you’ve been speaking.

Recorded Answer Current Status: Starting in 8 seconds.

When using the practice tests, it’s a good idea to record your answers so you can listen back and consider how to improve. You can record your answers on a computer or mobile phone. Alternatively, you can work with a partner, taking turns to answer the tasks and listen to each other.








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Series:PTE Academic






PTE Academic Practice Tests Plus with Key PDF,MP3









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