Last modified on January 24th, 2022 at 17:28

Ready to Order: Student’s Book CD

Ready to Order: Student’s Book CD

Ready to Order: Student's Book CD

Elementary English for the restaurant industry.This book is for students training to become or working as chefs, bartenders, waiting staff. It is aomed at elementary students, but also caters for the needs of mixed ability groups. Ready to Order presents and practises the relevant language and skills work in context by focusing on typical situations in a hotel restaurant.
Introducing yourself, colleagues.
Describing a restaurant, a kitchen.
Dealing with enquiries, giving directions.
Taking reservations, giving information about a restaurant.
Receiving guests, making arrangements.
Describing and ordering drinks.
Planning menues, describing dishes.
Presenting menues, taking orders.
Recommending dishes, describing deserts.
Making complaints, dealing with complaints.
Asking for the bill, explaining the bill.





Format: MP3
Size: 42 MB





Ready to Order: Student’s Book CD



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