Speak your mind 1 Worksheets

Speak your mind 1 Worksheets PDF,XLS download

Speak your mind 1 Worksheets

Speak your mind 1 Worksheets PDF,XLS

“Speak Your Mind” offers several features that assist students in their academic, professional, and everyday lives:

  • Communicative Outcomes: Each lesson concludes with a specific communicative outcome. Students engage in collaborative tasks, using the target language to express their ideas and opinions on a topic related to the lesson’s subject.
  • Real-Life Skills: Lessons include thinking questions that enhance critical thinking skills while learning English. The final lesson in each unit, “Language and Life,” focuses on developing problem-solving and teamwork skills. Students work together through a step-by-step process to solve a problem or create a proposal in a real-life scenario.
  • Real-World Knowledge: Young-adult students bring substantial knowledge about the world to the classroom. They are encouraged to transfer this real-life knowledge to their studies. The topics in “Speak Your Mind” allow students to express their opinions on current events and issues, and to expand their understanding of these topics. Students often share their opinions or prior knowledge before engaging with the lesson’s reading or listening material.
  • Building on Previous Knowledge: Most young adults have some prior knowledge of English. They are encouraged to share this knowledge and build on it according to their personal needs and interests. Unit Openers help students recognize how many English words they already know and encourage them to share this knowledge with classmates. “Make It Yours” boxes allow students to create personalized vocabulary lists.
  • Video Integration: Videos further connect language learning to real life. Each unit features a video related to the Unit Opener topic, serving as a discussion prompt. Even-numbered units include documentary-style “Follow A Pro” videos that showcase a day in the life of a professional in a specific field.

Additionally, “Speak Your Mind 1 Worksheets” are available to provide targeted practice and reinforcement of the skills and knowledge gained from the lessons. These worksheets are designed to help students apply what they have learned in practical, real-world scenarios.





  • Worksheets



Size: 10.5 MB
Series:Speak your mind
Level: 1














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2 thoughts on “Speak your mind 1 Worksheets”

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