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Wider World 4 Teacher’s Book

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Wider World 4 Teacher’s Book PDF


Wider World 4 TB PDF

Wider World is a new 5-level course that provides high school students not only the ability to communicate well in English and pass exams with good grades but also with the skills and confidence to participate as educated citizens of the global community of the 21st century – with all its unique challenges and opportunities.
Using the English Language to Access a Wider World of Knowledge, Skills and Experience Wider World reflects the way teenagers today access information and entertainment: from the Internet, using personal devices such as tablets, laptops, and mobile phones. The content and the style in which it is presented are designed to inspire and challenge teens. By interacting with content, rather than just practice, students gain the language on a deeper cognitive level. Instead of just another subject in the curriculum, the English language becomes the tool through which they access a wider world of knowledge, skills and experience.
120 pages of photographic material.
One page per lesson.
One additional page for each dramatic video.
Additional page of vocabulary, grammar, and culture activities with each unit.






Size: 57.62 MB
Series:Wider World
Date: 2016




Wider World 4 Teacher’s Book





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