Das Synonymwörterbuch 5. Auflage

Ein Wörterbuch sinnverwandter Wörter Platte? Glatze? Kahlkopf? Kahlschlag? Den passenden Ausdruck, das richtige Wort oder die richtige Benennung für den richtigen Augenblick zu finden, ist nicht immer ganz so einfach. 300 000 Synonyme zu mehr als 20 000 Stichwörtern helfen dabei, auch schwierige textliche Situationen mit Bravour zu meistern. Mit vielen hilfreichen Gebrauchshinweisen zu brisanten …

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English Historical Linguistics 2008 Volume I

The fourteen studies selected for this volume – all of them peer-reviewed versions of papers presented at the 15th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics 2008 (23–30 August) at the University of Munich – investigate syntactic variation and change in the history of English from two perspectives that are crucial to explaining language change, namely …

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English Historical Linguistics 2008. Volume II

The fifteen papers selected for Volume II of English Historical Linguistics 2008 have a different emphasis than those in Volume I (CILT 314, Lenker et al. 2010). Nine concentrate on the development of the English vocabulary and six on historical text linguistics, including the development of text-types and of politeness strategies. Of those in the …

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The Structure of Language: An Introduction to Grammatical Analysis 1st Edition

Most of the time we communicate using language without considering the complex activity we are undertaking, forming words and sentences in a split second. This book introduces the analysis of language structure, combining both description and theory within a single, practical text. It begins by examining words and parts of words, and then looks at …

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Common Mistakes at IELTS Intermediate: And How to Avoid Them 1st Edition

This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam – and shows how to avoid them. Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts, each unit targets a key problem area. Clear explanations and exercises help students to use the language accurately. Regular tests offer students a further opportunity to …

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