Power Verbs for Job Seekers

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Electrify all your job search communications and build the great career you want! The right verbs make you unforgettable powerfully demonstrate your value attract employers like moths to flame Grab the right verb and use it the right way to: Craft outstanding résumés, cover letters, and thank-you notes Draw attention to your best achievements and accomplishments Get your face-to-face interview—and ace it Pitch yourself brilliantly, even if you only have a minute Weave crucial soft skills expertise into your career communications Prove you’re the person they’re looking for Jam-packed with examples drawing on thousands of years of storytelling, literature, and experience Indispensable for everyone who wants a rewarding, successful, well-paid career!


Size: 3.22 МB

Paperback: 288 pages

Edition: 1st edition


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