Basic Portuguese (Practice Makes Perfect)

Basic Portuguese (Practice Makes Perfect) PDF

Basic Portuguese (Practice Makes Perfect)

Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Portuguese serves as a practical workbook, reference, and review guide to the fundamentals of basic Portuguese.

It covers a broad range of grammatical topics—all at a beginner’s level—and provides a strong introduction to verbs in the present tense. Grammar topics are primarily presented in table form, accompanied by a list of general usage points and extensive illustrative examples.

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Brasilianisch Wort für Wort

Brasilianisch Wort für Wort

Brasilianisch Wort für Wort PDF,MP3 download Der Kauderwelsch-Band „Brasilianisch” ist in die Abschnitte „Grammatik“, „Konversation“ und „Wörterliste“ unterteilt: Die Grammatik konzentriert sich auf das Wesentliche und ist so einfach wie möglich gestaltet. Daher werden nicht alle Ausnahmen und Unregelmäßigkeiten der Sprache erklärt. Wer nach der Lektüre tiefer in die Grammatik der brasilianischen Sprache eintauchen möchte, …

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Portuguese-English Visual Bilingual Dictionary

Portuguese-English Visual Bilingual Dictionary

Portuguese-English Visual Bilingual Dictionary PDF Portuguese-English Visual Bilingual Dictionary PDF With over 1,600 images and illustrations, it is a fast and intuitive method to be taught and recall on a regular basis vocabulary in European Portuguese. Whether or not it’s for enterprise or pleasure, decide up 6,000 key Portuguese phrases and phrases on a variety …

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A Frequency Dictionary of Portuguese

A Frequency Dictionary of Portuguese PDF download A Frequency Dictionary of Portuguese PDF A invaluable tool for learners of Portuguese, this Frequency Dictionary provides a list of the 5000 most commonly used words in the language. Based on a 20 million word collection of Portuguese (taken from both Portuguese and Brazilian sources), which includes both …

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Aprender português 1

Aprender português 1

Aprender português 1 PDF,MP3

Aprender português 1



Projetado para ser usado em qualquer curso de início, a língua portuguesa, as unidades são organizadas em áreas temáticas e vocabulares que cobrem as situações de comunicação prioritárias mais frequentes no nível de sobrevivência.
Principiante curso português projetado para um público diversificado. As 14 unidades são organizadas em tópicos que cobrem as situações mais importantes e comuns da vida cotidiana.



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