Family and Friends Starter (2nd Edition)

Family and Friends Starter (2nd Edition)

Family and Friends Starter (2nd Edition)

The new edition of Family and Friends in its second edition combines completely new fluency, culture, assessment, and digital resources with the features that teachers love in the first edition; fast-paced language, strong skills training, unique sound program, civic education and comprehensive testing.

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Family and Friends 6 (2nd Edition)

Family and Friends 6 (2nd Edition)

Family and Friends 6 (2nd Edition)

The new edition combines completely new methods of fluency and speech culture, tests and digital resources that the teachers liked so much in the first edition. The program quickly improves speaking, develops listening and writing skills. Each lesson uses unique audio materials, educational information and materials for comprehensive testing.

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Family and Friends 5 (2nd Edition)

Family and Friends 5 (2nd Edition)

Family and Friends 5 (2nd Edition)

The new edition, Family and Friends, in its second edition combines completely new fluency, culture, assessment, and digital resources with the features that teachers love in the first edition; fast-paced language, strong skills training, unique sound program, civic education and comprehensive testing.

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Family and Friends 1 (2nd Edition)

Family and Friends 1 (2nd Edition)

Family and Friends 1 (2nd Edition)

New Family and Friends 2nd Version combines brand-new fluency, tradition, evaluation, and digital sources with the options academics love from the primary version;

fast-paced language, sturdy

abilities coaching, distinctive phonics programme, civic schooling and complete testing.

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