Vocabulary Fundamentals, Grade 4

Vocabulary Fundamentals, Grade 4 PDF   Strengthen vocabulary skills and raise test scores!  provides leveled practice on the essential vocabulary skills your students need for academic success. The 42 skill units in grade 4 cover: synonyms & antonyms, homophones, prefixes & suffixes, word roots, and idioms. The ultimate resource tor comprehensive vocabulary skills instruction! Over …

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Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 6

Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 6 The Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies program is an built-in set of English Language Arts/Literacy items spanning grades 6-12 that present student-centered instruction on a set of literacy proficiencies on the coronary heart of the Widespread Core State Requirements (CCSS). Studying Carefully for Textual Particulars Making Proof-Based mostly Claims Making …

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Your Total Solution for Reading Grade 2: Workbook

Your Total Solution for Reading. Practice Activities for Reading Success! With this big collection of practice activities, your child will have fun while exploring letters and sounds, basic concepts, vocabulary development, and more. You’ll find plenty of resources to support learning during this important year of your child’s development. These short, engaging activities will help …

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Success with Grammar: Grade 5

No other resource boosts kids’ grammar skills like Scholastic Success With Grammar! For classroom or at-home use, this exciting series for kids in grades 1 through 6 provides invaluable reinforcement and practice in grammar topics such as: sentence types s of speech common and proper nouns sentence structure verb tenses subject-verb agreement punctuation capitalization and …

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Success with Vocabulary: Grade 5

Each book contains loads of practice pages to keep kids challenged and excited as they strengthen the grammar skills they need to read and write well. For each topic, you’ll also find an assessment sheet that gives kids realistic practice in taking standardized tests—and helps you see their progress! DOWNLOAD [hide] Please register to view …

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