American English File 1 : Teacher’s book (2nd ed.)

American English File 1 : Teacher’s book (2nd ed.) Four-skills American English course with a communicative methodology, engaging texts, and a strong pronunciation syllabus – designed to get students speaking. With texts and topics that make learners want to speak, American English File is the course that gets students talking. It gives you full skills …

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Champions 2: Teacher’s Book(2nd ed.)

Champions 2: Teacher’s Book(2nd ed.) Champions Second Edition builds on the tried and test formula of the first edition with more emphasis on developing students’ confidence in real life situations. Language is presented in context at the start of every unit in a photo-story in the lower levels and in an interesting, teen-appropriate text in …

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Champions 1: teacher’s book 2nd edition

Champions 1: teacher’s book 2nd edition Reading texts in the combined Student Book and Workbook and the graded reader that accompanies each level of Champions Second Edition develop students’ reading skills and consolidate the language. Champions Second Edition builds on the tried and test formula of the first edition with more emphasis on developing students’ …

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Kid’s Box Level 1:American English Teacher’s Resource Book (2nd ed.)

course for young learners. Bursting with bright ideas to inspire both teachers and students, Kid’s Box gives children a confident start to learning English. It also fully covers the syllabus for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests.This Resource Pack contains extra activities to reinforce and extend each unit of the Pupil’s Book, allowing teachers …

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Headway Pre-Intermediate: Teacher’s Book

  Headway Pre-Intermediate provides approximately 120 hours’ work, that is, eight hours per unit. This has to remain a somewhat artificial calculation, as teachers always expand activities or cut them short to meet the interests and needs of their students, and to fit in with the constrictions imposed by their timetable. The Workbook is an …

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