Word and World: Practice and the Foundations of Language

Proposing a new account of the nature of language, founded upon an original interpretation of Wittgenstein, Patricia Hanna and Bernard Harrison deny the existence of a direct referential relationship between words and things. Their provocative re-examination of the interrelations of language and social practice will interest not only philosophers of language but also linguists, psycholinguists, …

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Journeys in English

This BBC Radio 4 series is written and presented by Bill Bryson and based on his best-selling book “Mother Tongue”. In it he romps through the history of Britain to reveal how English became such an infuriatingly complex – but ultimately world-beating – language. The subject areas covered in the course of the programme (which …

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German Verb Drills, 5th Edition

Get on the Fast Track to Mastering the German Verb System! Confident use of verbs is an essential foundation for learning German. German Verb Drills will help you lay this foundation through clear explanations and rigorous practice. You language skills will be strengthened as you become more fluent in your use of the correct tenses …

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Teaching Teenagers

Teaching Teenagers: Model Activity Sequences for Humanistic Language Learning (Pilgrims Longman Resource Books) This book shows how teachers can motivate teenage language learners, encourage them to communicate in a real way and teach humanistically while following a predetermined school syllabus. It gives 9 sequences of activities which provide an account of the authors\’ experience of …

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Computer English

Are you confused by computer terminology in English? This guide covers: computer systems; computer programs; using the Internet; using computers at work, and much more.   Format: PDF Size: 33 MB Date: 2001 Series: Penguin Quick Guides Download: Please register to view the hidden Download Links