Newsademic 2016 №269 British and American English edition (with activities)

Newsademic 2016 №269 British and American English edition (with activities) In this issue of Newsademic: Scientists have detected gravitational waves for the first time. Their existence was predicted by Albert Einstein over 100 years ago. We report on what they are, how they are created, and how they might change our understanding of the Universe. …

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German Phrasebook & Dictionary 4th Edition

A reliable, portable and easy-to-use phrasebook is a travel essential, and with Collins Gem phrasebook and dictionary, the right word will always be at your fingertips. This indispensable language guide covers the topics and phrases that crop up everyday when traveling, from finding a hotel to choosing wine. It includes travel information and tips, a …

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For Your Information 1: Reading and Vocabulary Skills Student Book (2nd Edition)

For Your Information 1: Reading and Vocabulary Skills Student Book (2nd Edition)   The new edition of For Your Information 1: Reading and Vocabulary Skills, by Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, helps beginning students become engaged, thoughtful, and confident readers of English. Each thematic unit features high-interest readings and an assortment of activities to increase …

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The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, Second Edition

The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, Second Edition Senior moment. Think outside the box. Idioms like these can’t be understood just from the words that make them up. The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms explores the meanings of idioms, including phrasal verbs such as kick back, proverbs such as too many cooks spoil the broth, …

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Fachenglisch für Gesundheitsberufe (3rd edition)

Fachenglisch für Gesundheitsberufe (3rd edition) Das Fachenglisch-Lehrbuch f?r drei therapeutische Berufsgruppen vermittelt den im Berufsalltag relevanten Wortschatz, das Fachvokabular zu Krankheitsbildern sowie Informationen ?ber das Gesundheitssystem in den angels?chsischen L?ndern. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Training der aktiven Sprachkompetenz im Berufsalltag – f?r eine leichtere Kommunikation mit englischsprachigen Kollegen, ein besseres Verst?ndnis englischsprachiger Fachliteratur und mehr …

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